130. The Risks Of Getting A Tattoo Pregnant Or Breastfeeding

The Risks of Getting a Tattoo Pregnant or Breastfeeding

The Risks of Getting a Tattoo While Pregnant or Breastfeeding Getting a tattoo is a personal choice that many people make for various reasons. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you may want to think twice before getting inked. There are some potential risks and complications that could affect your health and your baby’s…

The Risks of Getting a Tattoo While Pregnant or Breastfeeding

Getting a tattoo is a personal choice that many people make for various reasons. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you may want to think twice before getting inked. There are some potential risks and complications that could affect your health and your baby’s health.

Key Takeaway

The main risk of getting a tattoo while pregnant or breastfeeding is the possibility of infection. Tattooing involves breaking the skin and inserting ink, which can introduce bacteria, viruses, or other harmful substances into your bloodstream. These can cause serious infections, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, tetanus, or sepsis. Infections can also trigger premature labor, miscarriage, or birth defects in your baby. Additionally, some tattoo inks may contain toxic chemicals or heavy metals that could harm your baby’s development or pass into your breast milk.


A 22-year-old woman decided to get a tattoo on her lower back when she was 20 weeks pregnant. She went to a reputable tattoo studio and followed the aftercare instructions. However, a few days later, she developed a fever, chills, and pain in her lower back. She went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a bacterial infection in her bloodstream. She was given antibiotics and fluids, but her condition worsened. She went into preterm labor and delivered a stillborn baby. The doctors suspected that the infection was caused by the tattoo and advised her to avoid getting any more tattoos while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Actionable Step

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, the best way to avoid the risks of getting a tattoo is to postpone your plans until after you have delivered and weaned your baby. If you already have a tattoo and want to get another one, wait at least six months after giving birth and consult your doctor before proceeding. If you have any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, pus, or fever, seek medical attention immediately. Always choose a licensed and reputable tattoo artist who follows proper hygiene and safety standards. Follow the aftercare instructions and keep your tattoo clean and dry.


  1. What is the main risk of getting a tattoo while pregnant or breastfeeding?
    • A) Allergic reaction
    • B) Infection
    • C) Fading
    • D) Scarring
    • Answer: B) Infection
  2. What are some of the possible consequences of getting an infection from a tattoo while pregnant or breastfeeding?
    • A) Premature labor, miscarriage, or birth defects
    • B) Reduced milk supply or quality
    • C) Transmission of diseases to your baby
    • D) All of the above
    • Answer: D) All of the above
  3. What is the best way to avoid the risks of getting a tattoo while pregnant or breastfeeding?
    • A) Choose a natural or organic ink
    • B) Apply a topical cream or ointment
    • C) Postpone your plans until after you have delivered and weaned your baby
    • D) Cover your tattoo with a bandage or clothing
    • Answer: C) Postpone your plans until after you have delivered and weaned your baby