118. Everything You Need To Know About Female Hair Loss

Everything You Need to Know About Female Hair Loss

Everything You Need to Know About Female Hair Loss Key Takeaway Hair loss in women is a common condition that can have various causes and treatments. The most common type of hair loss in women is female pattern hair loss (FPHL), which affects about 30 million people in the United States. Hair loss in women…

Everything You Need to Know About Female Hair Loss

Key Takeaway

  • Hair loss in women is a common condition that can have various causes and treatments.
  • The most common type of hair loss in women is female pattern hair loss (FPHL), which affects about 30 million people in the United States.
  • Hair loss in women can affect their self-esteem, emotional well-being, and quality of life.
  • There are several options to treat hair loss in women, depending on the cause, severity, and preference of the individual.


  • Jane is a 45-year-old woman who noticed that her hair was thinning over the past few years. She used to have thick and shiny hair, but now she can see her scalp through her hair, especially on the top and sides of her head. She also noticed more hair on her pillow, brush, and shower drain. She felt embarrassed and frustrated by her hair loss and tried various products and remedies, but nothing seemed to work. She decided to consult a dermatologist, who diagnosed her with FPHL and prescribed her a topical medication called minoxidil. Jane applied the medication twice a day to her scalp and noticed some improvement after six months. She also learned some tips to care for her hair, such as avoiding harsh chemicals, heat styling, and tight hairstyles. She felt more confident and happy with her appearance and continued to use the medication as directed by her doctor.

Actionable Step

  • If you are experiencing hair loss, the first step is to see a dermatologist, who can examine your scalp, hair, and medical history and determine the cause and type of your hair loss. They can also recommend the best treatment option for you, which may include medications, supplements, hair products, or procedures. Some of the common treatments for hair loss in women are:
    • Minoxidil: This is an over-the-counter topical medication that stimulates hair growth and slows down hair loss. It is applied to the scalp twice a day and can take several months to see results. It is effective for FPHL and other types of hair loss, but it has some side effects, such as irritation, itching, and unwanted hair growth on other parts of the body.
    • Finasteride: This is a prescription oral medication that blocks the production of a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes hair follicles to shrink and stop producing hair. It is approved for male pattern baldness, but it can also be used off-label for FPHL in postmenopausal women. It can take up to a year to see results and it has some side effects, such as decreased libido, mood changes, and birth defects if taken by pregnant women.
    • Spironolactone: This is a prescription oral medication that also blocks the action of DHT and reduces the production of androgens (male hormones) in women. It is used for FPHL and other conditions, such as acne, hirsutism (excessive hair growth), and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It can take several months to see results and it has some side effects, such as irregular periods, breast tenderness, and potassium imbalance.
    • Biotin: This is a vitamin that is essential for the health of hair, skin, and nails. It is available as a supplement and can be found in foods, such as eggs, nuts, and dairy products. It can help improve the quality and strength of hair and prevent hair loss due to biotin deficiency, which is rare. However, there is not enough evidence to support its effectiveness for other types of hair loss.
    • Hair products: There are various shampoos, conditioners, serums, and sprays that claim to prevent or treat hair loss. Some of them may contain ingredients that nourish, moisturize, or protect the hair, such as keratin, collagen, or antioxidants. Others may contain ingredients that stimulate blood flow, reduce inflammation, or inhibit DHT, such as caffeine, peppermint, or saw palmetto. However, the evidence for their effectiveness is limited and they may not work for everyone.
    • Hair procedures: There are also some cosmetic procedures that can help restore hair or improve the appearance of hair loss, such as:
      • Hair transplantation: This is a surgical procedure that involves removing hair follicles from one part of the scalp (donor area) and implanting them into another part of the scalp (recipient area) where hair is thinning or bald. It can create a natural-looking and permanent result, but it is expensive, invasive, and may cause scarring, infection, or poor growth.
      • Scalp micropigmentation: This is a non-surgical procedure that involves tattooing tiny dots or strokes on the scalp to create the illusion of hair or to camouflage scars or bald spots. It can create a realistic and lasting result, but it is costly, painful, and may fade or change color over time.
      • Hair extensions, wigs, or hairpieces: These are temporary solutions that can add volume, length, or style to the hair. They can be made of natural or synthetic hair and can be attached with clips, glue, or sewing. They can create a variety of looks, but they can also damage the hair, cause allergic reactions, or look unnatural.


  • Which of the following is the most common type of hair loss in women?
    • A) Anagen effluvium
    • B) Telogen effluvium
    • C) Female pattern hair loss
    • D) Alopecia areata
    • Answer: C) Female pattern hair loss
  • Which of the following is an over-the-counter topical medication that stimulates hair growth and slows down hair loss?
    • A) Minoxidil
    • B) Finasteride
    • C) Spironolactone
    • D) Biotin
    • Answer: A) Minoxidil
  • Which of the following is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from one part of the scalp to another?
    • A) Scalp micropigmentation
    • B) Hair transplantation
    • C) Hair extensions
    • D) Hair products
    • Answer: B) Hair transplantation